Time to Feel Better in Your Body

With COVID cases decreasing, vaccination rates increasing and restrictions easing, it is time to take care of business. And I mean the business of feeling comfortable in your body. There are many factors from COVID 19 that have put physical stress on our bodies. Many people have had to work from home with non-ideal ergonomics and excess screen time. I have heard a lot of people complaining about weight gain since the closures of gyms. Add to those factors, stress from finances, managing children while working at home, loss of jobs ... I could go on. The point is that one or many of these factors could be contributing to pain and dysfunction.

Schedule a Visit

If you have been putting off taking care of your body, this is a perfect time to schedule a visit.  Chronic pain and deconditioning are sneaky – they can wear you down without you realizing it.  Until you go on that oft-delayed hike or return to the gym or just get up and get away from your computer and realize that you are out of shape and you hurt.

This just came to me from our county:

As Marin County readjusts with the rest of California, local health care providers are encouraging residents to catch up on any health care that had been deferred over the past year due the COVID-19 pandemic.

While sheltering in place was necessary for much of 2020 to curb the virus’s spread, 41% of nationwide respondents chose to forgo medical care during the pandemic, according to the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 Civic Life and Public Health Survey

“As our economy reopens, there is no sector more important to re-engage than health care,” said Dr. Susan Cumming, Medical Director of Quality at MarinHealth Medical Center. “While the pandemic prompted many health care providers to increase telehealth or virtual health care, there is often no substitute for face-to-face visits.”

Best Safety Protocols

Our office continues to research and update best practices for safety protocols.  Many of our clients have complimented us on how safe they feel with our rigorous COVID procedures.  All of us at the office are fully vaccinated, we continue to have only one practitioner in the office at a time, we clean all surfaces between clients, use medical-grade air scrubbers and sneeze guards, perform client health screening and hand washing upon arrival, and continue to use KN95 masks by practitioners and clients whenever in the office.

We are here for you. 

Schedule a visit and start to feel better soon.


Kathleen McDonough, PT, MA, MCPT


Part III - Your Fantastic Feet


Part II – The Fabulous Foot & Your Wonderful Hips