Why is it hard to Keep Healthy Habits during a Pandemic?
It almost sounds laughable as I type it. A pandemic the world has not seen before is changing every part of our daily lives. But do we still expect ourselves to keep our healthy habits unwavering and strong?
Working From Home (Pt. 3)
For many of us, working from home has lots of interruptions: kids, dogs, cats on our laptops. But even with some of those breaks from working at our computers, we still are putting in way too many hours at a screen.
Working From Home (Pt. 2)
In part 1, we talked about sitting and specifically, sitting upright for work at a computer. Today we will explore reclining for work and standing desks.
Working From Home (Pt. 1)
The sudden shift from working in a professional office to making do with a home office is taking a toll on our bodies. What felt like a temporary change some months ago now feels just endlessly achy for our backs and necks and shoulders.