Kathleen McDonough Kathleen McDonough

How To Create Sustainable Exercise Habits in 2025

Regular exercise is one of the best things you can do for your health. It helps you stay strong, keeps your heart healthy, and lifts your mood. Exercise can help you sleep better, think clearer, and feel more energized. Best of all, you don't need fancy equipment or hours of workout time to get these benefits.

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Kathleen McDonough Kathleen McDonough

Pilates-Based Physical Rehab: Getting You Back In Action

As your trusted Physical Therapist and Pilates Expert, my goals are always YOUR goals. What matters to you? What are you not doing that you would love to get back to doing? What are the obstacles to that goal: Pain? Strength? Flexibility? Cardiorespiratory fitness? Fatigue? Fear? (yeah, that can be a thing, for sure!).

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Kathleen McDonough Kathleen McDonough


Kathleen is one of very few practitioners providing Blood Flow Restriction Therapy - enabling sports professionals and patients to make greater strength gains while lifting lighter loads, thereby reducing the overall stress.

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Kathleen McDonough Kathleen McDonough

Part III - Your Fantastic Feet

Minimal Running: What is it? Should I try it? Many years ago, I was away with friends, sitting around the fire, and my friend Susan, reading an article in Runners’ World, asked what I thought about Barefoot Running. I had never heard of such a thing, and my first reaction was “that is the dumbest thing I have heard of, and sounds like a good way to get injured.” Fast forward a few more years and much more reading on the topic, I was intrigued. I was in my 40’s, still ran on trails in “modern running shoes” that I swapped for a new pair every 3-4 months, but almost always started the first third of the run with creaky knees. I wasn’t confident that I could keep running into my 5th decade and beyond.

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