Kathleen McDonough Kathleen McDonough

Part III - Your Fantastic Feet

Minimal Running: What is it? Should I try it? Many years ago, I was away with friends, sitting around the fire, and my friend Susan, reading an article in Runners’ World, asked what I thought about Barefoot Running. I had never heard of such a thing, and my first reaction was “that is the dumbest thing I have heard of, and sounds like a good way to get injured.” Fast forward a few more years and much more reading on the topic, I was intrigued. I was in my 40’s, still ran on trails in “modern running shoes” that I swapped for a new pair every 3-4 months, but almost always started the first third of the run with creaky knees. I wasn’t confident that I could keep running into my 5th decade and beyond.

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